Welcome to MattWhitaker.net!

It's been a long time coming... but it's finally here! Thanks for taking the time to stop by my digital sanctuary. After a long break in activity due to real-life overactivity, the site has finally gone live. The site has undergone (and is continuing to undergo) major reconstructive surgery, and what once was known as the "Land of the Loaf" is now no more. My electronic home away from home here is a constant work in progress, and more things will be added in the coming weeks, so feel free to come back again in the future. Whether you're here looking for information regarding my research and my professional life, or just want some insight into my personal life and the things that make me tick, hopefully you'll find it all within these pages. So, take a look around, and please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about the site. At the bottom of the page here are links to get a hold of me via email, Facebook, and a few other methods. In the meantime, thanks again for stopping by, and I hope to hear from you soon. Stay Metal, and I'll catch you on the flip side. -- The M

News and Updates

2010-09-15 to 20 - Lots of work on the CV section, getting everything updated and uploaded. Now, time for a couple of hours of sleep before we head to the hospital to have a baby!

2010-09-13 - Another experiment in the bag, and now we wait until tomorrow to see if it made what we hoped for. Today saw some updates to the banner cycler and some link fixing. More to come soon.

2010-09-12 - Several updates to the structure of the site, adding new placemarkers and getting the design and structure set. Also shelled out the initial stages of the Personal site. Onward and upward, as they say.

2010-09-11 - It's been nine years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States of America. Never surrender, never forget. What better way to show the terrorists that they haven't won than by having this site finally go live! There are still a lot of things that are under heavy construction. In fact, most pages at present simply consist of construction placemarkers, but I'm working on it all as I can, so keep checking back.

Navigating The Site

The following is a list of the major sections of this site, and a brief description of what can be found therein. Navigation of these major sections is done via the navigation bar at left, which will expand to show more menu options in certain sections of the site.

MySpace Music
MySpace Music
PlayStation Network
PlayStation Network

Email The M-Master. All Contents © 2002-2010 Matthew L. Whitaker